Our Vision

The Acts of Grace Foundation envisions a world in which people are reconciled to God and restored towards the wholeness He originally intended for humanity.

Our Mission

The Acts of Grace Foundation brings glory to God through grants that empower Canadian charities and the individuals they serve to eradicate underlying systems and conditions that entrench physical, material and spiritual poverty. In everything we do, the Acts of Grace Foundation seeks to empower organizations, transform lives and glorify God.

Our Values

giving to the under-resourced

We value granting to charities that may be less likely to receive funding from larger or public sources. We prioritize projects that serve marginalized people in all corners of the globe.


We prioritize grants that increase charity capacity to serve marginalized people or that empower individuals to achieve long-lasting economic self-sufficiency, physical well-being or spiritual growth. We prefer grants that propel projects forward.

measurable impact

We prioritize funding projects that result in measurable improvement in the factors that gave rise to the project. We emphasize charities meeting the proposed specific outcomes that demonstrate the intended end result and impact of the project.


We value projects that increase the long-term capacity of individuals to affect and sustain change for themselves or that directly increase the long-term efficiency, effectiveness and impact of charities in serving marginalized people.


We give preference to specific, time-limited initiatives with observable activities, outputs and outcomes. We prefer grants that apply the Foundation's funds to direct project costs.


We are committed to providing for a balance of international and Canadian needs.


We will conduct ourselves in a God-honouring manner and prefer that all applicants do the same.


We only grant to Christian organizations.  We value supporting fellow believers who can share the Gospel with others.

To learn more about the Vision, Mission and Values of the Acts of Grace Foundation, click here.

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