Our Process

We use a paperless two-step application process for all of our grants.  All eligible requests for funding are evaluated by the Foundation's Granting Committee.

We are still finalizing our 2025 Granting Process. Once application forms are available, they will be visible within our grant management system and will not require an access code. Please continue to check the website for updates about 2025 granting.

In general, the Acts of Grace Foundation has one primary granting cycle each year, which lasts 6 months, following the process outlined below. 

Within each granting cycle, Acts of Grace has a two-stage application process. At each stage, our Granting Committee evaluates all applications for alignment with the Foundation and its criteria and determines which projects will move forward and, ultimately, receive funding. 

  • Stage 1: Letter of Inquiry (LOI) - overview of your organization, the project and the need
  • Stage 2: Application & Site Visit  - successful LOIs only, Site Visits are facilitated remotely using web-based platform

LOIs are only accepted in January/February of each year.  Granting decisions are made annually in June. Specific dates for each granting cycle and LOI submission vary slightly from year to year. Dates are posted to the Foundation's website and social media prior to the opening of the granting cycle.

Our entire application process is paperless and uses our online Grant Management System.

From time to time, the foundation's granting process may change, at the discretion of the Granting Committee. If the foundation intends to use a unique granting process within any given year, this information is communicated well in advance on this website and the foundation's Facebook page. Check this website for up to date information about current and future granting cycles. This website and the foundation's Facebook page are the only official source of information about Acts of Grace foundation.

The Acts of Grace Foundation does not accept Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) by mail or email.

A second granting cycle may be held at the discretion of the Granting Committee. Should a second granting cycle open, all details will be posted on the Acts of Grace website.